These 7 Are Not Signs Of A Cheating Partner In A Relationship

When a relationship is going through such a period of uncertainty, doubt becomes your constant companion and reposing complete faith in your partner again can be a long process. Knowing that your partner broke your trust once can make it difficult for you to completely trust them again. Every late night at work, every alert on their phone, every work-related trip is bound to arouse your suspicion. But for the sake of your sanity and the relationship you’re trying to salvage, you’ve got to break away from these tendencies. Spotting these 7 signs you should not worry about him cheating can be just the reassurance you need to make a start in that direction:

1. They are ready for honest conversations

When a person has something to hide, they do their best to dodge uncomfortable questions. Worse still, they lash out when put in a spot. If your partner is now making an earnest effort to assuage your doubts and is ready to sit through difficult conversations, it is one of the key signs he is not lying to you anymore. You don’t have to feel guilty about broaching such topics for as long as it takes for you to believe them again.

2. They spend more time with you now

Pursuing affairs is time-consuming and one of the clear signs of a cheating partner in a relationship is your partner’s frequent absence. If you see your partner spending more time at home with you, then it is a positive indicator that they aren’t cheating anymore and have ended the affair.

3. There are no more mysteries

Another one of the signs you should not worry about him cheating is that your partner does not sneak around anymore there no mysterious gaps in their schedule. They don’t go on random “business trips” anymore or leave the room to answer a phone call, their phone doesn’t ring at odd hours and they’re completely okay with you answering their calls. Cheating involves a lot of lying and deception. You may not have noticed it when it was happening, but in retrospect, these tell-tale signs seem obvious. Knowing what you know now, a change in their schedule and behaviour patterns is an encouraging indication that the affair might just be over for good.

4. Their priorities are in order

Another one of the crucial signs he loves you and their cheating days are behind them is that your partner makes you and your needs a priority again. When infidelity enters a relationship, it robs it of a lot of things, apart from trust and love. Infidelity also makes a person’s priorities change. A partner prioritising you to redefine your love for each other and reinstate trust in the relationship is among the signs you should not worry about him cheating.

5. Their stories check out

False narratives and loopholes in their stories about their day and whereabouts is one of the classic signs of a cheating partner in a relationship. All these lies can be heartbreaking, but they can also be a blueprint you rely on to ascertain whether your partner is cheating or not.

When going through the process of healing and trusting again, you may be overcome by the need to verify their stories from time to time. If their stories check out consistently you can rest assured that your partner is no longer cheating on you. In the long run, this can help rebuild trust in the relationship. At some point, you may no longer feel the need to cross-check every detail they give you.

6. Your sex life is back on track

Sexual and emotional intimacy in the relationship is the first to take a hit when one of the partners is cheating. If you and your partner have reached a stage in the healing process where you can be intimate again and it doesn’t feel distant or forced anymore, it is one of the surefire signs he loves you and is no longer cheating. No matter how easy it seems to cheat for a person, a voice in their head constantly tells them that they’re wronging their partner and so withdrawal from intimacy manifests as one of the classic signs of a cheating partner in a relationship. Once the healing process reaches a stage that the awkwardness is gone and your sex life is flourishing again, you can rest easy and work toward strengthening your relationship further.

7. They don’t start petty arguments

Unnecessary arguments and criticism are common byproducts of infidelity and cheating guilt. They are a person’s way of justifying their transgressions to themself. If such petty arguments have abated, you can check another box in the list of signs you should not worry about him cheating anymore. This doesn’t mean that they have to be extra nice to you or that you two will never argue again. Once the affair has ended, the person just goes back to being their old self again – someone who is not conflicted and anxious. This return of normalcy should help keep your doubts at bay. Staying with a person after they have cheated might seem like a daunting choice at first, but surviving such setbacks can fortify your relationship. So, if it feels like the right thing to do, take a leap of faith and keep focusing on signs you should not worry about him cheating anymore.

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