One of (if not the) best person to explain Stoicism is Ryan Holiday. Ryan is a bestselling author who’s published numerous books on stoicism, such as The Obstacle Is the Way and Ego Is the Enemy. He’s also the host of the podcast The Daily Stoic. So, what is stoicism exactly? Ryan says: “The whole thing boils down to this one idea, ‘There’s some stuff that’s up to us, there’s some stuff that’s not up to us.’” Our job is focus on the things that are up to us, like this very moment, our actions in our careers, and the words we say. Rather than regretting the past, complaining about what’s outside of your control, and worrying about the future, you have to focus on the present. What’s up to you right now and what can you do about it? What’s outside of you that you can’t control that you can stop stressing about? That’s stoicism. But as Darius Foroux (another best-selling author who practices stoicism) says: In this article I’m going to give you stoic quotes for any situation. If you need a bit of inspiration or words to get you through a bad day, here are some stoic quotes for you to read.

Stoic Quotes for When You Want to Change Your Life

Stoic Quotes On Being Mindful and Present

Stoic Quotes for When You Need Motivation and Inspiration

Stoic Quotes For When You Need Some Wisdom and Advice

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Quotes for When You Have a Hard Day

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Final Thoughts

We hope you feel inspired, excited, or motivated after reading these great stoic quotes by some of the best philosophers and stoic experts. There’s a quote for any situation, and sometimes that’s enough to push you through the day. Make sure to come back and read these stoic quotes whenever you need them for a burst of energy or as a reality check. Stoicism is a life-long practice, so don’t expect yourself to be perfect. Like anything else, it’s a matter of paying attention and evaluating where you are. If you realize you’re out of alignment with your beliefs, simply choose to realign. These stoic quotes are perfect for those times. Photo by Ed Stone on Unsplash