But beware! Divorced daddy town is also another name for Complicated Town. Things can get complicated and you can get entangled in your own fantasy. Make sure you are up for the trip before you date a daddy.

Dating a single dad problems

Women like single dads because they are men of character. A relationship with them isn’t like one of those high-school hook-ups; it is a more mature one. But with mature relationships come responsibilities and understanding. A single dad already has a lot on his plate and you might not know how to clean it up. If you are dating a single dad, you may face or might already have faced these problems: In addition, both of you will have totally different schedules. You will practically be playing ‘house’ with your partner and most of your dates won’t be past his kid’s bedtime. You will be totally out of your comfort zone in this relationship and thus there are many things that you will have to keep in mind while dating him.

12 tips to follow when dating a divorced dad

Though dating a single man is no piece of cake, having someone like him in your life still gives you a sense of stability and unexpected comfort. Divorced men have already gone through a marriage and they know the dos and don’ts of a relationship. They understand women and will not want to screw up this time. For you too, this will be a totally new zone and there are many things you will want to work on so that this doesn’t end up being a wreck. Here are 12 tips to remember while dating a divorced dad:

1. Build a strong foundation

It is important to build a foundation and have a bond that is beyond physical romance. Building a strong foundation will lead to a greater understanding and sense of trust in your partner. After a divorce, letting someone into his life as a serious part of it will be difficult for him and thus creating a bond will help him with the transition.

2. Deal with maturity

Maturity and understanding are the pillars of an adult relationship. If things go south, it is important to talk about it face to face and come to a conclusion together. Fighting and shouting isn’t going to solve anything. Instead of thinking about who is right, think about what can be done to make it right.

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