As the knot is tied and commitment is established to one person forever, the urgency to show love to one’s partner often decreases and reduces the sex as complacency sets in. However, the reasons for sexless marriages, or Dead Bedrooms as they are often referred to, are varying. In this Reddit thread married men and women who do not engage in sex any more confessed what caused them to be in the situation. The reasons they gave ranged from boredom to loss of attractiveness or health problems. We’ve compiled 11 very striking answers:

1. She gained over 100 lbs, and I am just not attracted any more

By Mcompledpayas

2. We’re both on anti-depressants which have totally messed with our sex drives

By sirkibble14

3. We got married and had kids

By SVTRocks

4. My wife decided three years ago sex is too ‘icky’

By annoyingone

5. Honestly, we’re both just not attractive anymore. Better to masturbate

By imcondescendingu21

6. It has gotten to the point where I could tell she was only doing it for me, and I began to feel as though I was essentially raping her

By clamberrypie

7. She started blatantly using it to get something she wanted or to cover up something she did

By whiskeyalpha7

8. My husband is not very good at sex and shows no interest in improving

By DeadBed1010wrice

9. I’ve had Erectile Dysfunction for about 3 years now

By bustaflow25

10. I’m not in love anymore and I want out

By twatchops

11. She was prescribed several medications that resulted in multiple health issues and is completely asexual

By pyungshin

11 Confessions By Married People On Why They Stopped Having Sex - 7711 Confessions By Married People On Why They Stopped Having Sex - 7611 Confessions By Married People On Why They Stopped Having Sex - 6011 Confessions By Married People On Why They Stopped Having Sex - 7811 Confessions By Married People On Why They Stopped Having Sex - 7111 Confessions By Married People On Why They Stopped Having Sex - 2211 Confessions By Married People On Why They Stopped Having Sex - 511 Confessions By Married People On Why They Stopped Having Sex - 911 Confessions By Married People On Why They Stopped Having Sex - 6111 Confessions By Married People On Why They Stopped Having Sex - 3711 Confessions By Married People On Why They Stopped Having Sex - 6611 Confessions By Married People On Why They Stopped Having Sex - 7911 Confessions By Married People On Why They Stopped Having Sex - 62